Sen ville jag bara tala om för er som missade det förra vintern: JAG HATA SNÖ! JAG HATAR VINTERN!!! Igår körde jag fast med vagnen i 20 cm snö, blev blästrad i ansiktet av snöstorm, halkade otaliga gånger... I morse höll jag på att göra en snygg spagat här utanför.... INTE ROLIGT! Pratade med kille från Tahiti idag.. Han gnällde att det var FÖR VARMT där... Jag vill oxå ha för varmt.... Flytta till ett varmare land kanske? JA TACK!! Åtminstone på vintrarna...
Jag ska försöka skriva mer på min story ikväll. Det har blivit för lite av det på senare tid, jag är för trött på kvällarna... Men här kommer ett litet smakprov! ;)
Akio looked at Jiro and saw his eye glitter like a green ocean when he was looking at Yuki. Now Akio got angry again. “Hey, Jiro-san. Lets go.” He grabbed Jiros arm and started walking. Jiro shook him of. “Oi, wait a moment Akio. I haven't met Yuki in three years, I would like to talk to her for a moment. You go ahead, I'll meet you later.” Akio walked away, kicking the dirt in anger. Why was he feeling angry? Why can't he stand seeing Jiro looking at Yuki like that. He hit his head with his fist, closed his eyes and felt like he was about to cry. Suddenly he bumped into someone. He looked at the person e had bumped into and saw a big man, looking like a bulldog. “What the fuck man!” Akio yelled at the man. The big man took Akio by his shirt and pulled him closer. “What? You should be loking where you're walking little boy.” Akio got even angrier. “Small? Why you...” He hit the man in the face, the man lost the grip on Akio and sharged at him. Akio jumped to the side and hit the man in the ribs. The man grunted and swinged his arm at Akio and hit him right in the face, putting more fuel on Akios fire. Akio beat the hell out of the big man, angry as hell for some reason he didn't really understand. The man finally ran away, leaving Akio in victory but hurting badly in the face. He spat out some blood from his mouth and felt his right cheek burning. This is the first time since Jiro kicked his ass that he had been in a fight. Jiro had always been there protecting him.
Ignorera ev stavfel och meningsupbyggnader, det ska fixas när allt är klart! ^^ Jag skriver som sagt på kvällarna när jag är trött och det går snabbare ibland än jag klarar av....
C YA!!
Puss och kram!
SV: just den jag har är från starbucks, men den läcker inte. men dom är verkligen söta! :3