I'm just a blond girl!

Idag är jag inte så Nyappy.... Vart bjudna på middag av Patrik igen, tack så mycket. Börjar känna mig som ett välgörenhetsfall... Fast det är bara för att jag hatar att inte kunna klara mig själv och det känns som att folk tycker synd om mig eller stöter bort mig, vilket som.... Jag måste lära mig att ta emot hjälp när hjälp erbjuds... Men spagetti och köttfärssås vart det och Tindra var glad att få träffa sin pappa igen! Två gånger på en vecka! woho! Upptäckte även att jag tydligen har HÅL i sulan på mina kängor så de går inte att använda i sånt här blött väder.... Kul, jag som verkligen har råd med skor.... Jag har ju mina rejäla vinterkängor, men de är inte så snygga och speciellt inte till stuprörsbyxor! Hello Mr Bigfoot! Jag får ha plastpåse på foten jämt....

Jag vet att det är mitt fel att det är som det är idag, men man måste få skylla ifrån sig lite för att inte känna sig som en misslyckad, värdelös idiot! Skulle jag gå och anklaga mig själv för allt jag har gjort i mitt liv skulle det sluta i självmord.... Det är mitt sätt att hantera saker och plocka upp mig själv igen och borsta bort mina misstag och göra mig redo för att göra nya misstag! Ja man lär sig ju av sina misstag! Eller hur? Fan vad klok jag måste vara nu då!? Fast som rubriken säger; I'm just a blonde girl....

Jag har lite skrivsug, så jag tänkte bjuda på en kortis direkt ur huvudet bara sådär. Jag är skit dålig på namn så klaga inte på det tack! Och om det finns stavfel så är det för att jag inte orkar tänka idag.... *Hämtar glasögonen, stoppar in ett niko-tuggummi, kopplar in hörlurarna, spotify på och knäcker fingrarna*

She stood outside her door, smoking a cigarette in the cold winter breeze. Her hands where shaking from the cold and her nose was red. She had butterflies in her belly, thinking about him. He was the one she met yesterday in a bar, stumbling over him on her way to the bathroom and again on the way back. He had caught her in his arms the second time and his dark brown eyes had pierced her. She was hooked. He and his friends had come over to her and her friend and joined them for a drink. They talked all night and he gave her his number and she gave hers to him. He had called her just an hour ago and said to wait for him outside her house. Twenty more minutes to go before he would show up, but her nervousness made her go outside for a smoke and to sheck just in case if he would be early. Just before she was about to tur around to go inside a car pulled up in frot of her. A handsome man stepped out and smiled at her. Her knees got week and the butterflies had gone wilde in her belly. He was her prince sharming and he didn't even know it yet.

She got into the car and the drowe away. None of them said a word for several minutes, until he cracked up in a adorable laughter made her blush. They started talking about the day before and laughed at her stumbling in to his arms. Thinking of it made her blush ever more. Her face was buring up, her heart was beating hard and she didn't even notice if she was breathing or not. The stoped at a small restaurant where they served sushi and chinese food. He got out of the car and opened the door for her. "What a gentleman" she thougt and he took her arm in his and the went inside. The atmosphere was romantic and cozy and a single candle was light on teir table. They talked for a long time, drinking coffey after dinner and opened their fortune cookies. "You will find great adveture in a man" hers said. She didn't show it to him, she was ashamed for some reason. After dinner they went to a bar and had some wine. She felt her face still burning, both from the tension between them and the wine.

When it was midnight he called a cab for them both, asked her to come to his apartment for some midnight tea. She coldn't say no. They got out of the cab and she looked at the tall building, sveral floors tall, all cowered in glass. "Who is this guy?" she thougt to herself. He turned to her and said "Pleace look beside the building and the fancy interior. I'm not a wealthy man, but I live good. My heart is richer than my wallet." Her eyes almost teared up and her heart was pounding hard in her chest. She was in love. They stepped into an elevator and he puched the 11'th button. They both stood silent till he turned to her, put his hand on the wall above her shoulder, put his lips near her ears and whispered "I like you." She could smell him, feel his warmth and hear his heavy breathing. The elevator stopped and the doors opened. He took her hand and led her to his door. She followed him like she was a zombie or paralyzed, like her body didn't want to obey her. He opened the door, almost pulling her in and when he shut the door he took her to him and kissed her gently....

The end!

Det finns säkert en låååång fortsättning men nu är klockan snart 01.00 och jag måste försöka sova. Längtar till om 2-3 dagar då jag kan sova normalt igen!

Puss och kram!

Postat av: jag igen!!

Meningen är INTE att du ska anklaga dej själv!!! Du ska konstatera att det här var fel sätt, sedan fundera ut hur du ska göra om, och göra bättre. Det är så man växer som människa.Inte mår man väl bättre av anklagelser??

2010-10-25 @ 21:56:32

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